Thursday, December 10, 2009

France First

Hello fellow blog readers of mine! Yes, I am quite aware that it has been a long time and that this entry is long overdue! I have been quite busy learning, seeing amazing shows, and traveling! So you ready for the inside scoop? You think you can handle it? Ok here goes! Don’t read on if you have weak eyes because you will be captivated by the amazingness and you will not be able to stop yourself from reading this mother of all blogs which shall encapsulate the things that I have done in my life since my last blog... Be warned..........

So, I am going to have to do this is in sections. First off, France. What a freakin country. I loved it. I went to Paris for a weekend and saw so much awesome stuff I nearly fell over! Well I actually did fall over, but I’m not ready to jump ahead just yet! I took a tour with a group called international friends. This group put us on a bus and drove us through london, across the english channel on a ferry, into Paris and then continued to drive us everywhere else. This bus was the bane of my existence. The tour guide was great, Paris was great, but man... Screw that bus! I hated it! Most of the trip was spent on that damn thing. Anyway, when we did get out, we saw awesome stuff. I of course saw the eiffel tower, we didn’t go up though because we had three bottles of red wine and apparently that doesn’t sit well with the french... I guess I understand.

Well the first night was spent just exploring Paris, we went to a crappy restaurant walked back to the hotel, saw a parade of rollerbladers. It rocked. The rollerbladers apparently do this every Friday. They had a police escort which blocked the road and stopped traffic for them to cross and basically rollerbladed across Paris. It was awesome. I totally would’ve joined in if I had my blades, what an awesome experience. Another really cool thing about Paris is that surprisingly my four years of French in middle school and high school really did pay off. I was the only one in the tour besides the tour guide who could actually communicate successfully without speaking any English. By the way, it really annoyed me that they spoke English at all. Some totally didn’t understand a word of it, but that was rare. I was kind of upset about that. I wanted to get lost and have to speak only French. They really weren’t as stuck up as I thought they were. Unfortunate...

The next day, we went to Sacre Coeur (“Sacred Heart” reminder of second word’s translation is courtesy of Michelle Lynn Fechtor) I did actually know in the back of my mind what Coeur meant but I could not for the life of me just bring it back to my memory. Weird I know. Anyway, so that place was nice. A nice little square, where there were a bunch of artists and a famous church. I got a sketch drawn of me with my friend Brooke and it was freakin beautiful! He did it in like 3 minutes and it was awesome. I am going to have to get a new one though (And I am going to) because I lost it that night! I was so careful all day and then I left it on the train! AAAHHHHH!!! I was sooooo Pissed!

After Sacre Coeur we went to see the Moulin Rouge. Eh not that exciting. I didn’t know that it wasn’t closed during the German occupation though, that was interesting. Then we went to Versailles, wow big freakin palace! I can now say I understand why the French were so pissed and revolted. Wrong guy, but man they deserved some retribution. I got some awesome photos of that place but unfortunately Facebook sucks here and uploading photos is quite difficult.

That night we went to the Eiffel Tower, we also went with the aforementioned wonderful bottles of wine. We couldn’t go up, so... We got drunk instead! Now some might say that being drunk in Paris would have ruined the experience... Nope not at all. That was an awesome night. Granted I wasn’t like pissed but I definitely felt it. My two new friends and I met like 50 new people, got invited to a party which one of my friends got us kicked out of, and then we went to a latin dance club, which of course I loved but my friend didn’t like because it wasn’t her kind of dancing. We stayed out till like one and it was a great night.

The next day we went to the louvre, awesome sauce ladies and gentlemen. Huge, beautiful, that’s really all I can say. I can also comment on how stupid Dan Brown is. Getting to the Mona Lisa is no easy task, the painting is in like a bullet proof case! Bullshit, there is no way that guy was getting to that painting!

I am going to close this entry by just finishing up with France. The funny thing about Paris was that anywhere you went, even that crappy restaurant I mentioned, the food was amazing. In London however, it doesn’t matter where you go, the food is shit! Don’t get me wrong I adore this place, and I will be sad to leave, but god the food sucks! Anyway, stay tuned, way more to come!

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